Lane Bryant Credit Card Login

i'm literally the definition of first world problems. first world problems? can you say that word bitch? thank you. oh my god, i'm not even wearing fucking sunglasses! bitch, what day is this, day one? hello! hi my big beautiful bbs, it's meghan tonjes

Lane Bryant Credit Card Login

Lane Bryant Credit Card Login, you're watching people keep talking the show where i talk about news and trends thoughout the week from the comfort of my car it's been a few days. listen, i've been catching up on a lot of personal shit

and just trying to get my life together i started organizing my email i don't think you understand, i have like 5000 emails going back to like 2010 and that's just one of my email accounts so i'm trying to like get my shit together there's just a lot of stuff coming up, like the storm is coming, the winter... the winter's com...whatever the fuck that game of thrones shit...winter is coming? ooh actually winter is not coming here. summer is coming eventually, and i live in the valley which means...ooh...ooh! do you like your skin attached to your bones?

or do you like to be [laughs] like a rotisserie chicken. i made one rotisserie chicken reference and that's what i'm getting quoted for on twitter all of a sudden like that is my legacy. you're welcome. thank you. you guys i don't even know if i wanna talk about news today should i talk about news today or should i just talk about my life? this is what i will say if you are interested in the randomness that is happening in my life all of the time you could follow me on snapchat but like let's be real, that shit's probably gonna die one day you could also follow me over on facebook. i post like little, uh recaps of my day through snapchat on facebook so it's like i'm cheating on snapchat

with facebook because i trust facebook more i shouldn't trust facebook more but it's like...i want facebook's approval, you know? like i remember when it was collegebook and my ass couldn't even get an account because i didn't go to a college that was actually listed on it. i just feel the need to prove myself to them, i don't know why. [laughs] facebook, pay me please. oh, and i fucking turned my car off. ugh. none of my dicks are in a row. [car beeping] okay let's turn - okay, shut your fucking mouth, girl oh, we get it! it's on! okay, flash your lights and calm your dicks, let's go. okay, hi. this is what happens when i don't make this stuff every single day

i just - i lose my mind a little bit. and i get a little flustered and i forget things like - don't let me forget bb of the day today because i'll probably forget it. like fuck me. ooh first of all, congratulations to me for this phone case. [singsong] ohhhhh fuck me up. it's everything i've ever dreamed of it's like asmr for my eyes. i don't actually even know what asmr stands for. i just know it's when you do the [whispers] whispery stuff so that people listen and they turn their volume up [still whispering] but please don't turn your volume up because all you're gonna hear is cars. and the sound of me losing my mind. do we have to cut our grass while i'm recording? can we do this any other day? is - why?

parliament's been evacuated. at least 4 people are dead and 20 injured. this guy just drove his suv through a group of people into the surrounding fence apparently this man also had two knives. he rushed to the entrance on foot stabbed an officer and was only a few yards from the house of parliament before he got shot so just fucking horrifying. i've been watching a lot of my friends check in on facebook which i'm very very grateful for to let me know that they are safe please bbs, check in below. let me know that you are okay. and so far it's not being reported why this man did this or what his motivation for this trash bullshit was

but they are deeming it a terror attack and they're investigating what's happening and just oh my god. [singsong] it's so scary in this world you guys, kandi burruss and tiny, uh - they were writers on no scrubs - get credit on ed sheeran's shape of you i guess a lot of people were realizing that shape of you and no scrubs sound very very similar and this got to the point where i imagine there was some kind of legal...things that were sent, some little letters sent out or something or at least got to the point where ed sheeran was like, i gotta cover my ass or his team was like, let's just fucking throw some points, throw some money and, uh, make sure everyone's on board. and this is the thing i'll say

i definitely see where these songs sound similar like it's real good for a mash up, you know what i'm saying? like i could sing one over the other. and i'm also here for everyone making money because lord knows ed sheeran is making so much money and his team is making so much money so it's like, i'm sure financially this didn't hurt him in any kind of way but one of the things that's being pointed out is the lyrics: "boy let's not talk too much, grab on my waist and put that body on me" and how it has a "comparable lyrical rhythm" to lines in no scrubs like "no i don't want no scrubs, a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me"

and i just - [laughs] i don't know, this kinda shit makes me so nervous to ever write music or make music because the reality is that, like we're all so influenced by things that we've heard and so i totally understand that subconsciously we can write things and like - this just sounds pleasing to my ear, this just sounds good, and we don't realize that it's because we've heard it before. but also there's only so many fucking chord progressions and only so many bpms so i'm just completely torn all of the time because i think it's - we spend so much energy - and that's just this culture in general. like we love suing we love just like taking legal action any time anything happens

'cause we all just wanna retire off of being angry. but to me personally it's just such wasted energy and wasted money, a lot of times. i just wish there was a little bit more separation between like this is clearly someone ripping off the lyrics and the beat and the progression of someone else's song and it's well known and that obviously they would have heard looking at you, robin thicke and oh hey, the human ear likes these three chords together and there's only so many ways [loud car acceleration] bitch! there's only so many ways you can do that

and oh look, none of the lyrics have anything to do with anything else and the instrumentation isn't the exact same and no one swooped in and like took a sample of something without creditting it. i don't know. i just - i don't know. it's gonna be interesting to see where this all goes because i think that we are in an age of just remix-ability and there's so many people who have the capability of making stuff and making music and distributing it publicly that it just seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack or a generic chord progression inside a generic chord progression [laughs] that's just meee tomi lahren suspended from the blaze amid pro-choice view remarks

she went on the view and talked a little bit about how she thinks it's hypocritical for conservatives to not be pro-choice? to be limited government - whatever. listen, i don't give a shit about this chick because i can already see how this is gonna happen i have looked into my crystal ball, i know how this is gonna go we spend so much energy and time hating this girl because she just represents the far-est goddamn right the most snowflake sensitive-ass right wing meant to like dazzle and distract us and just spew all of this shit and now what's happening is she's showing more moderate views, more "progressive" views or whatever the fuck - and i just already know what's gonna happen

she did her little extreme temper tantrum, she got this side of the base she's gonna move on from this little fucking facebook show or whatever the fuck she has with the blaze i've never quite understood the format of what she does. i just assumed like she had a really nice living room and she was on facebook live, i don't know like maybe her roommate's boyfriend just knows how to do dope three point lighting i think there's gonna be so many think pieces on her feminism and like did she do this just so she could have that platform so she could actually say the things we're all - we all need her to say or whatever the fuck they're gonna do to spin this around

i don't wanna fuck her and i don't wanna friend her, so... i'm trying to be more positive in 2017. umm she wears dresses sometimes that are really nicely tailored i mean, as much as you can tailor a target dress. uh, she's got small pores. i'm trying to be of god, i'm trying to be of light. [laughs] i don't think i - did i get to talk about this last week? i don't think i did but i didn't get to talk about robert kelly. if you don't know that name, he's the guy that was on the bbc and he's answering a question and in the middle of answering a question his child walks in the room, who he just tries to like push away

there's like an awkward pushing away situation and then this little fucking baby comes out just bouncing through the door [laughs] you see the mom - everyone assumed the nanny because racism rush in to grab this toddler and this baby and somehow duck out of frame and get them into the hallway and close the door. it is...ooh it is comedy it is one of the best moments of 2017, just the sheer panic and inability, i don't know, to lock a door? like what the fuck are we doing right now? but i also don't know if you've seen this like parody of how a mom would handle the "bbc dad" situation it's so great because first of all, the whole time i was thinking, when this was happening

why doesn't he just get this kid on his lap and just like, you know - i don't know. i'm not a parent so what the fuck do i know? there's a little card popping down you can click on so definitely go watch it. you know, multitasking is a hell of a drug. oh also north korea conducted a failed missile launch. so that's just...great, awesome, fun times. i mean, there's really just no way to interpret that that isn't aggressive. i mean, they keep failing but one day they're not gonna fail. and that's scary as shit i'm sure for south korea me. they're not going to goddamn st. clair shores, michigan to fuck shit up they're coming to los angeles and new york, okay i mean, really - i mean, if we're talking nuclear war it's not really gonna matter where you live 'cause we're all fucked

please let me die before this shit goes down. like i - listen. not that i wanna die now i'm saying i want to be old as fuck in my bed waiting for my last postmates order like that's how *i* wanna go. with probably at that point like my eighth dog so margot the eighth because yes, i'm naming all my dogs margot because i'm royalty and it's regal as fuck. margot the second, margot the third. it's a great fucking name. you guys, and finally, pokemon go announces new water festival event with increased... okay, i don't know how to say these words. i'm gonna try. gyrados, gyrados, gyrados? [laughs] lapras spawns. i don't fucking know what that is. sounds like some water shit. we can't just call things dragons? i don't know.

so apparently this is going to be called the water festival oh, it's meant to correspond with world water day. but apparently it's kicking off today until march 29th what the fuck does this even mean? you're gonna see some more magikarps and more squirtles and totodiles and...blastoise - i don't know, croconaws. what the fuck are these things? that's a different world for me. that's a different world. i try - i tried. i tried to be relevant for you guys [laughs] you guys, so we do a little segment on this channel called bb of the day that's where i give a little internet hug, a little shout out to some of my bbs who are just doing great things who are just keeping me amused. really just are making me smile on the internet

and today i wanna give a little shout out to tamara c-canup. tamara, i know i got the first one right. tamara has been in all my mentions today as i'm working on this video. tweeting at lane bryant and tweeting at torrid saying that she wants to see me in lingerie and stuff with them and i appreciate it, girl. you were like my little twitter manager [laughs] and i just super appreciate that because listen, you guys are always looking out for me and always trying to make things happen and i can't do anything but love on you for that and of course if torrid or lane bryant or anyone wanna send me free bralettes, free underwear, i'm here, i have a butt, i'm ready. listen, that's all i got for you beautiful bbs today. you can find me at most places at meghantonjes

before you go, if you like the video make sure you give me a little thumbs up maybe favorite it, share it with your friends and you family and a special thank you to all of the bbs who have been captioning my videos there's a link below in my particulates if you wanna help caption any of my old videos maybe even this video. it just requires you rewatching this and then typing in the things i say. if you can even understand the things i say. i don't really know how to use words correctly. adverbs, bitch. okay bbs, say hi to your grandmas for me. i got places to go, i got people to touch i like your faces very much and i will see you tomorrow. bye!

(meghan) you brought that up and then i loudly screamed, i feel like my whole family's dead [laughter] (meghan) so - um(keith) yeah and i told you to call your mom (m) i did - yeah, you said i should call my mom -(k) that's what it was, i was like, you should call your mom (m) and i said, nah, i'll see that bitch in may. [laughter]

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