Lane Bryant Credit Card Payment

hello friends! welcome back to my channel.if you are new here i am carly from thescienceofchic, and it would mean the world to me if you wouldhit that little red subscription button and we could become friends as well. today i havea haul video and it has been forever, forever since i've actually done a haul video, atleast it feels like that for me, and this one isn't, like, a huge, huge haul - in facti got a lot of these things for a reduced

Lane Bryant Credit Card Payment

Lane Bryant Credit Card Payment, price, so i'm feeling a little bit betterabout myself. i never really like paying full retail, that's just how i roll, so i did thatwith a whole bunch of these things. so i don't know... i have a lot of stuff from a lot ofplaces, so let's just get on into this. i'm going to start with clothes, and accessoriesand stuff like that. the first place that

i want to talk about is poshmark. i do havea closet on there. poshmark is basically this mobile app where you can go ahead and buyand sell used or brand new fashion. i do have my closet, which i can link down below alongwith a signup link and my link code, which will give me and you a $5 credit if you decideto buy something. and i've made about $500 on it since i opened my closet in, like, october,so it's kind of a good thing. no this thing isn't sponsored, yes there is an affiliatelink down below, but y'know... that's just how things roll. i personally view it as kindof like my really small side business, so if you wanna support me that would be great. i bought a lot of really cool things on there.the first thing that i want to talk about

is unfortunately something that i didn't likevery much, and these are a pair of black leggings. these are ruby ribbon, which is kind of like,i don't know, younique, but for clothes, and originally these are around $40 a pair. igot mine for $18, and i definitely don't think that they were even worth that amount thati paid for them. the chub-rub area pilled almost instantly, they are kind of sheer,so... wasn't really happy about that, but, y'know... these i just kinda wear around thehouse for now. the next item is one that i'm actually wearing.this is a very large oversized flannel from target. it is the xhiliration brand, and it'sjust perfect. it's fall appropriate, and it's definitely christmas-y/winter-y appropriate,and i have literally been living in this since

i bought it. i love it. it's a men's xxl,so i'm kinda swimming in it, and i really like it that way. plus, i don't know why,but i feel like the men's clothing has better construct than the women's... i don't knowwhy that is but... this is just really, really thick and warm and just so cozy. next up i got a customized pair of sam & libbycut out oxfords. these are size 7s. i got these for five dollars. five freaking dollars,and these things are so unique, and they're just such great statement pieces. they mixthe right amount of masculinity, which i like, with a little bit of fun femininity, whichis why i picked them up and they are actually surprisingly quite comfortable.

another one of my favorite pieces that i pickedup is this rebecca minkoff wallet on a chain with studs. i got this for $40, opposed to,like, over $150 that these things retail for, and i love this. this thing has pretty muchbecome my everyday bag. it fits all the things i need, like my keys, my cards, a few makeupor freshening up items in here, and it's just small and compact and i love it. it doesn'tlook freakishly tiny against my larger frame, so... this was an excellent buy. i have one more clothing item from poshmark,followed by, like, a toiletry item. this one here was an amazing find. this is a vintage,1960s faux fur vest, and it's absolutely perfect. it's hard to get everything in frame, buti've been looking for something like this

for a very long time, but i didn't want topay an outrageous amount of money for it. i think this was $35, and it's really excitingbecause this is actually a plus sized one and it has pockets. it is really hard to findplus sized vintage pieces, and this thing is beautiful. it does have a few little zips- or not zips, but little twisty ties here so you can close them if you really want to,but yeah. this has actually come in handy a lot in southern california, which i knowsounds crazy, but since it doesn't have arms, and it has this satin lining, it's a lot morebreathable and less, like, deathly hot than you would imagine, so yep. and since you can also buy and sell cosmeticitems, i did pick up a lush #gayisok soap

because it smells amazing, it's also gold,and hello... i am, like, a really big lesbian, so i saw this and i was like, i have to haveit. yes i paid more than retail for it, but it was limited edition, and i love it, andi'm probably not gonna use it. i'm honestly going to frame it and put it in my bathroomlike a crazy person, but that's just what ya do. continuing on with the clothing; i did pickup something from torrid. this is actually what i am going to be wearing to the creatorcocktail party for generation beauty coming up this january, so if you guys happen tobe going to gen beauty l.a., if you're gonna be there at the creator cocktail party, ifyou're gonna be there the other two days of

the convention, please come say hi to me cuzi would, like, freak out just as much as anyone. i'm probably gonna be walking around likea total nerd being like "oh my god, there are all these people here", but anyway...on to the shirt - it's perfect. it is... look at this print. there is blush, lipstick, brushes,nail polish... it's amazing. there is a button down on the bottom, and it's kind of thissheer, breathable fabric, and i really need to find a nude bra to go with this, cuz idon't have one at this point, and it's hard finding bras for me. and that brings us on to our next item, whichwas from nordstrom, and i don't really want to show you guys this right now, cuz i amwearing it. it is this bra that i bought.

i am now a 36/38 h. it's a big bra. i managedto get one, and i have a picture of it here with me wearing it on my head, but it's kindof like this dusky purple one, and instead of paying 88 freaking dollars for that bra,which is kinda the norm for my size, i paid 52 because it was on sale. i had this amazing,amazing sales associate at the nordstrom in fashion valley in san diego. her name is erin.she was fantastic. so i bought that cuz i needed a new one. also from nordstrom - this bag is deceitful.i actually ordered this online because they didn't have it in a store near me. i finallybuckled and bought an eyeshadow that i've been wanting for, legit, 3 years, and it isa burberry wet and dry shadow and it is freaking

gorgeous. i kept it in the box because it'sjust... it feels so luxurious, and it's my baby, and this is a really heavy product,so i'm gonna open it for you guys. it comes with a little velvet pocket thing becauseit's just that freaking fancy, and oh man... it's so beautiful. this is called pale barley,and i've been lusting over this for years, like i said. and honestly, this sounds reallycrazy, but the one thing that really pushed it over the edge for me is because i've startedgetting back into one of my favorite eyeshadows, which has been discontinued. it's called fawnover me by benefit, and i looked at the pan in this and i looked at the pan in this andi saw that they were really similar, so i dropped $29 on an eyeshadow. no big deal.thankfully though, i did use ebates, which

got me i think it was 6% cash back, whichis, you know, a few cents here and there, but ebates really does help. i've actuallyused it for a lot of my online shopping if a online e-store has the ability to do that,cuz i've made a pretty decent amount of money off of ebates too, and i do have that linkeddown below if you want to sign up. we will both get, like, beneficial credits or whatever,which we can turn into cash if you decide to go through my link, but if not, that'sok. it also came with a few samples because nordstrom is really great about that. theygive you samples for beauty purchases. i got a philosophy miracle worker, a theirry muglerangel, and a clarins thing. unfortunately though... nordstrom is so slow with the shipping,like, i ordered it the friday before thanksgiving,

and i got it the friday after thanksgiving,so it was like a full week, and it was just like mmmh. anyway... now we can fully transition intomakeup and makeup-like items. sooo... let's see here. i guess we'll start with mac. i did have sixused up mac items that i wanted to cash in for the back 2 mac program, so i did thatand got a lipstick for free. this is mac rebel, which i've also had my eye on for a very longtime. i'm just not a huge fan of mac's lipstick formula, so i don't find myself really gravitatingtowards anything unless i really, really want it, or if i can get it for less so... i gota brand new lipstick for free because i depotted

a lot of my other stuff and turned in thetubing, so that was cool. i also picked up a little mac prep + prime fix+ spray, whichis only $10, actually a few weeks before i decided to hoard everything for a haul. buti though it would just be worth mentioning because it smells amazing, and i have no ideawhy i didn't get this any sooner. i'm probably going to repurchase this once it starts toget used up. also, while i was in fashion valley i hitup lush and i feel like such an idiot because i even brought my little bag of used up blacklush pots because if you bring five of those in you get a free fresh face mask... but ionly had four, and i have no idea how i let that fly under the radar, so i kind of, like,awkwardly milled around the store after picking

up the one thing that i went there to getapart from a fresh face mask, which i didn't get, which was the 9 to 5 cleansing lotion.i wanted to get this because as it's getting a little bit colder and dryer here, my skinhas started to react not so great to it. i get little dry spots all around my nose. soi wanted to pick this up, which is a lotion cleanser - it's kind of like cold cream, butit doesn't have that tingly stuff in it, and it smells lightly of lilies i think? or orchids?it's actually quite lovely. in addition to that i just wanted to pick something up thati've also had my eye on for a very long time. this is kind of my treat yo self haul, honestly.this is a seasonal item, which has come back pretty much every single year since i startedfollowing lush, and it is the santa's lip

scrub, which apparently tastes like cola.i've only opened it and smelled it and been like "omg", but i haven't tried it yet becausei've been saving everything for this haul... i've been so good. and then lastly i hit up sephora while i wasthere, cuz i was like "you know what... if i'm gonna be buying a lot of stuff... whynot". the first thing is actually this lovely tote. this is a sephora vib tote that youbasically got free with a purchase since it was kind of near the vib sale thing, so iguess they hand some left over and i got one. but the thing that i went there and got wasthis $12 little teeny-tiny tube of the nars radiant creamy concealer in custard. i haveheard so many good things about this, and

i've always wanted to try it out, but i reallydidn't want to shell out the amount of money it was for a full sized, so when i saw thisin the little impulse grab section, i was like "yes, i am taking that... that is mine",and so i got it. i got this one, the only other option they had was vanilla, but thatwas, like, way too light and way too pink toned for me to actually want to put on myface, whereas custard is basically a yellow-toned one and that's pretty much what my skin is. well that was my haul. thank you guys so muchfor watching. i actually can't wait to start using some of these products that i have beensaving for so long. if you guys have any questions, comments, concerns... whatever, just leaveit down in the comments below and i will respond,

and yeah. i actually have to go and film mymonthly favorites, which you will be seeing before this video, because that's just howmy scheduling thing is working right now. but yeah. bye guys! thank you guys so muchfor watching. see ya later.

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