Do It Yourself Solar Panels

turn $20 into $3,500 with a do it yourself,solar water distiller i bought this patio table with the glass top,on craig's list people don't want glass tops any more i have seen many for free in the free stuffcategory under 'for sale' when you put your glass down, on a glass tabletop, it's an uncomfortable feeling for many,

Do It Yourself Solar Panels

Do It Yourself Solar Panels, especially if one is inebriated, it's glassagainst glass and it's like two hard substances crashing i think people abandoned this era of glasstops, because of the collision of glass and glass

how about water crashing against glass? that's what works for me, but people aren'taware of what i'm going to show you, in this video turn someone else's refuse into somethinguseful and make distilled water at home, without electricity, gas or any kind of energy otherthan, the sun's energy craig's list has as many things for free,as you have ideas on how to use these unwanted items and these glass top tables, are oneexample if you build a solar water distiller out ofone, you already have the table to set it on and so you don't have to design and buildone, bang your finger with a hammer and send

the nail flying at the speed of a warheadand take out your largest and most expensive window do what i do, have someone else hold the nailand then you don't get hurt! would you like to be my friend? here, hold this nail, while i swing this heavyhammer at it! people don't want to throw glass table topsinto the trash, so they give it away, but i have a use for it that turns something unwantedand free, into something, highly desirable and perhaps, worth a lot of money! my patio set measures 28" by 48" or 1,344square inches

divide by 144 to get 9.33 square feet based on the rule of thumb that 8 square feetproduces one gallon of distilled water per day, this glass table top should produce 1.1667gallons of distilled water, each sunny day i wouldn't take that to the bank, becausei have built a solar water distiller and i know that it has to be airtight to preventthe dry sonoran desert air from blowing right through the hot, moist air chamber and takingall the distilled water, after was trapped the sun's heat to make it evaporate! i have purchased distilled water from walmart,recently, and it didn't taste at all like distilled water

to me, it tasted like filtered water i didn't get that distilled water taste this water has something in it, besides purewater somebody put a distilled water label on it,but it tasted like it has a tiny bit of rat poison, sodium fluoride, in it! let's see how good your reasoning is: if the fascists gained control of the nation'scurrency in 1913 and used this power and control to create the great depression and buy upall the best companies, real estate and have used some of the money to bribe governmentofficials to look the other way, while they

rape and plunder america, would they stoopto sending a product labeled, 'distilled water' to walmart and sneak toxic industrial wastesin that water? before you answer, let me tell you one morething they have done they used american troops to invade sovereignnations and they raped those countries of all their gold and as many natural resourcesas they could would this kind of power lead to distilledwater with fluoride in it? my reasoning mind says, 'definitely!' andthere is no question, in my mind that they will dispose of these toxic and hazardousindustrial wastes, any way they can! if they would murder 1,000,000 innocent iraqis,they would certainly put rat poison into our

drinking water and then send us a bill forwhat it cost to murder innocent iraqis! these people have committed war crimes andi don't think anything would stop them from adding more toxic, industrial wastes to ourdrinking water i looked up in the sky, yesterday and therewere chem trails, everywhere! this is normal now and we don't know whatthey are spraying on us one jet had a very dark black plume comingout of his engines and i think they are mixing jet fuel with industrial wastes and dumpingthem on us from the sky these substances could be radioactive, sodon't think it's far fetched to think they would put rat poison, sodium fluoride intoa bottle marked 'distilled water'

the reason they are getting away with this,is because your elected puppets are being bribed and you aren't complaining loudly enough make a youtube video and take some photosto show the people send your drinking water off for tests, tosee which industrial wastes you're drinking! as for the distilled water i purchased atwalmart, you will have to do your own taste test and maybe send an unopened bottle ofit off to be tested, to confirm my suspicions it wasn't much better than tap water, if youask me remember, walmart is the one who sold me fakehoney and i'm still mad about that! the manufacturer hid the word, 'imitation'and put it in a honey container to fool me

now, they're selling fake distilled water,maybe i'm guessing that it has a tiny bit of fluoridein it, because they're putting it in everything chicken mcnuggets are loaded with fluoride,i've read and that's because fluoride is dumped into the chicken feed and fluoride collectsin the bones and the teeth, ruining both mcdonalds is grinding up chicken bones andselling it to you, as chicken mcnuggets they don't care if it lowers your kids' iqs! this is about making money and chicken bonesare ok to sell and call them nuggets to suckers who buy into the hype and the fast food fascism! this chicken mcnuggets product should be removedfrom the menu

mcdonalds should be exposed for injuring thehealth of people with this fluoride rat poison chicken mcnuggets product! the aluminum and fertilizer industries areso desperate to get rid of this industrial waste that they are now putting it into tablesalt in its pure form, naf sodium fluoride, rat poison, insecticide! we don't want rat poison in our drinking water we don't want rat poison in our table salt we want to be involved in such decisions,because kids drink that water and use that table salt and we want some control over whatgoes into our drinking water and our salt!

making distilled water at home, will helpyou circumvent the toxic waste dump site, which comes through your water faucet andis drunk by defenseless children! i recommend that you get yourself an old patioset with a glass top convert it into a solar water distiller andavoid the toxic industrial wastes, if you can 9.33 square feet should produce 1.667 gallonsof distilled water, per day and that's enough for two people for the gallon of 'possibly contaminated withfluoride, distilled water', i paid 78 cents that's one cost

there are other costs too it took time to drive over to walmart andit took some gasoline and so i think i had about $1 invested, possibly more let's put a value on a gallon of distilledwater, delivered to your home, to make calculations easier how about $1? many places sell it for more and you stillhave to drive over to get it it takes time and wastes gasoline it's better if you make it in your back yardand then when you want some, you have it in

a minute or two and don't have to stand inlines, at the store, waiting to pay one more thing! when you spend $1, you earned much more they automatically take from your paycheck,taxes which aren't even due you paid irs taxes on that $1 and social securitytaxes and medicare taxes too! even when you buy gasoline, there are roadtaxes and other taxes on it they gouge you for income taxes on that moneytoo your paycheck is like a bucket with thousandsof holes in it and you're lucky to be able to buy food, with all the taxes

we are conditioned to forget about all thetaxes and that's why the list of taxed items has always grown more and more freeloaders, living off you,me and everyone you and i know! so, when i estimate $1 for a gallon of distilledwater, one should consider all the costs, associated with the purchase and the procurementof the desired product, direct and ancillary costs we escape that slavery system, when we distillour own drinking water, at home! when you go to your back yard to get a gallonof distilled water, there isn't any payroll deduction taxes, no social security takenout of your pay and an equal amount matched

by your employer, no medicare tax, no roadtax and no gasoline required and no speeding tickets for driving on the side walk and wipingout those old ladies, which could be expensive! none of that stuff! you just go out there to your back yard, 300days a year, pick up your 1.1667 gallons of distilled water and at the end of the year,you have received a value of $350 from that patio set with the glass top table see how the glass is tilted two ways? it's tilted toward the south and the west i built one that only tilted south and allmy distilled water sat in the trough and evaporated

from all the heat, inside! my yield was poor this is a much smaller piece of glass thati'm talking about i built the first solar water distiller, thinkingthat i already know everything there is to know about making distilled water, from thesun, just from looking at those built by others well, there are things that they don't tellyou and they are critically important and so i learned a lot, by failing, on my firsttry the first solar water distiller taught mehow to make them and gave me a chance to correct the design flaws

i have now designed, at least 30 of them,on google sketchup i think they need two tilts and you don'tsee this on the do it yourself designs the first tilt was in the original plan andit failed to produce any abundance of distilled water i did the secondary tilt, to the west andnow the water runs out, as soon as it is collected and i went from 9 ounces to 11 ounces that's more than 20% more, maybe the larger glass from the patio set shouldproduce 1.1667 gallons per day and that much distilled water has a value of $350 annually

what is a net income of $350 annually worth? we want to figure what our solar water distilleris worth! if the capital needed to produce $350 annuallyis $3,500 then the return on investment is 10% the solar water distiller, therefore, hasa value of $3,500 if you only get 5% return on your money, thenit takes twice as much to earn $350 per year and the solar water distiller is worth $7,000to you and i paid $20 for the glass top patio set! if you have money, sitting in an insolventbank, earning less than 1% annually, the solar

water distiller is worth much more than $7,000to you, because of the low return on your money have someone put some boards together, sealit, to make it airtight and let the heat of the sun turn tap water into distilled water,in your back yard that's all i have to say, on this very fineday! thanks for listening!

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