Victoria Secret Credit Card Online Payment

hi there. this is jonathan ginsberg and iwould like to answer questions today that i sometimes get from people thatis, can i be put in prison if i don't pay credit card debt. and even thoughyou would think that this type of questions shouldn't come up. it still doesbecause i think bill collectors sometimes will occasionally implyor even outright state that

Victoria Secret Credit Card Online Payment

Victoria Secret Credit Card Online Payment, you can be thrown in jail if you don't payyour credit card debt. let me assure you that there is no such thing asthe debtors' prison in the united states at this time. i don't expect it tochange. so in other words, there is no way you canbe put in jail if you don't pay

your credit card debt. anybody that says youcan is misleading you and is probably, almost certainly violating federallaw by telling you that. so if you're on the phone and a credit bill collectortells you that this could lead to incarceration, their absolutely nottelling you the truth. now can happen is, a lawsuit can be filed againstyou. if a judgment is rendered, in other words, if you don't answer the lawsuitin georgia, you have 30 days to answer the lawsuit from date of service.service means when the sheriff's deputy hands you the paper and saysyou have now been served. you have 30 days to answer that lawsuit. plusyou actually have another 15

days to reopen the default. in other words,if you were in default, if you did not answer in 30 days you can pay courtcosts. you have another 15 days to open it. and in that situation the worstthat would happen would be the court enter a judgment against you and a judgmentbasically means that the creditor would have the right to go afteryour property. now the one time when jail actually does come to the conversationwould be, if after a judgment, or even before a judgment for thatmatter, the creditor filed what is called discovery. meaning, requestfor production of documents, or interrogatories, things like that. or scheduledyou for a deposition and

you don't show up, you don't cooperate. if you simply don't cooperate, this is typicallymore involved than litigation. but if you simply do not cooperate,you're clearly doing it for purposes of delay, a creditor can ask thejudge to have you incarcerated for contempt of court. again very, very happens most often, when it does happen, in a post judgment situationwhere a person has a judgment against them, and that person will not cooperatewith the lender, with the creditor, and revealing where assets may be. and in that situation if you don't cooperate,you don't answer the

questions about where your assets are, intheory a judge could hold you in contempt of court and put you in jail. againvery, very rare. but you simply cannot be put in jail for not payinga debt to a creditor. the irs is different. child support is different.but if it's simply to a credit card company or other civil creditor you cannotbe thrown into jail. so, no debtors prison. that's a fallaciousargument. don't buy it. and if that happens, you should get on the phone,call an attorney, call me, and we will decide if there is any grounds forcontent to action against the creditor for making a serious threat. maybeyou can recover damages. but no

debtors prison, so don't lose sleep over that.hope this has been helpful. again jonathan ginsberg here. fell free tocall my office at 770-393-4985. if you have any more questions about debtor bankruptcy. thanks very much.

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