Personal Injury Structured Settlement

>> if anything cango well it will and that's the waywe live our life. if anything can gowell, it will. the automobile accidentwas in november of '02. i was the second vehicleinto the intersection

Personal Injury Structured Settlement

Personal Injury Structured Settlement, and making a left hand turn, het-boned me at 55 miles an hour. the injuries fromthe accident were so severe i had bell's palsyand they gave me some medication to try to get it to settlethe nerve and it ended

up that i had a reactionto the medication and it caused acuteangle closure glaucoma. i've always been areally active person. i love building thingsand sewing and anything that'shands on and crafty. i love that kind of stuff. losing my site wasa huge change. i had to learn to dothings all over again. i guess the thing that i missmost being blind is not being

able to see my childrenand how they've changed. i wanted to make sure that i wasable to have the funds necessary to take care of mymedical expenses and bills and things like that. when the attorney spoketo me he had mentioned a structured settlement. he wanted to know, you know,what did my future look like? was i planning on goingback to work or was i going to be a stay at home mom?

did i want to be ableto have money set aside for college for the kids? what were the specific thingsthat i was looking for? he took the time to getto know me which was, and my family's needswhich was huge. that settlement makes sure thatwe have a roof over our head and food in our stomach. 30 days after i went blindmy husband lost his job. the settlement has givenme more than piece of mind.

had i not had the structuredsettlement in place, i can't even begin to fathom theposition that we would be in. it certainly wouldn't be living in a 100 year oldvictorian home on four acres. being in a position wherewe're almost debt free, we can set a littleaside and easily save for things that we want to have. i was told my sight'sgoing to be restored. i believe in miracles.

you know stuff happens, caraccidents happen, things happen but there's alwaysa silver lining. you've just got to find it.

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