Phoenix Arizona Dui Lawyer

hi i'm david cantor with the law officesof david michael cantor. today i'm going to talk about firstoffense extreme dui penalties. now what is an extreme dui?thats any dui with a blood alcohol as a point 150 up to a point 199,

Phoenix Arizona Dui Lawyer

Phoenix Arizona Dui Lawyer, also first offense is any case where youdon't have any prior dui's or if you do you have any prior dui's they're over seven years old so only talking about extreme dui which has occurred in thelast seven years. if you're convicted

of one of these the punishment ispretty severe, its 30 days in jail 21 days could besuspended if you get an ignition interlock device but the 30days in jail runs twenty five hundred dollars, the fine and surcharges 2,787 dollars the screening for substance abuse classis fifty dollars and they can give you anywhere from 16to 36 hours but it's almost always 36 hours and that runs five hundred ninetyfive dollars. you will lose your license for threemonths minimum and then after you're

done you have to get an ignition interlockdevice placed on your car that you have to blow into every time you start yourcar and roughly every 15 minutes thereafterand that runs a 1000 to 1200 dollars for that year in addition we have to take down every30 days they can download the chip and make sure that you have been drivingwith alcohol in your system are you also need to maintain sr-22insurance and that's a special insurance with the insurance company contacts dmbshould your insurance lapse

and that runs about fifteen hundreddollars over the course of three years a five hundred dollars a year now here's the kicker your insurancewill go up three thousand dollars a year higher than it is now for the next threeyears that's another nine thousand dollars cell if you get convicted of an extremedui first offense decide i'm gonna take the bus i'm notgonna drive you'll still have to shell out seven thousand one hundred sixty twodollars to the government and to the peripheral agencies that workwith the government if you decide i am

gonna drive what most people you can count that onbeing seventeen thousand six hundred sixty two dollars spread out over three years other repercussionsgive a cdl or commercial driver's license you lose it your doctor and nurse a pilot a lawyergive a real estate license in sec license government military it's going to affectyour job special if you do outside sales andlastly if you wanna go to our victory

section on our website a dm cancer dot com you can look at allthe cases that we had either dismiss completely or reduced from an extreme dui toregular by: that saves thousands of dollars in 29days in jail just by doing that or to reckless driving which is which isincredible that's just a fine up but if you go on our website you cancheck that out if this applies to you or family member give us a call or go to our website fillout the contact form

you can come in and have a free initialconsultation with us doesn't cost you anything will takeabout 30 minutes would love to help you out can't it

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