Solar Panels For Mobile Homes

hello everybody, my name is jeremy allen withwholesale solar. we're here today to install an off-grid systemon a tiny home. tiny homes are perfect candidates for off-gridbattery-based systems, as their energy requirements are not as high as a normal home that we allare used to. we're here with our friends, tammy and logan,with their patent design tiny home.

Solar Panels For Mobile Homes

Solar Panels For Mobile Homes, alright, well why don't you guys tell me alittle bit about your tiny home here? - sure, so we lived in our little house forabout four years full time, and now we use it more as a vacation cabin. - and so your electrical demands probablyaren't as high as they were when you were

living here full time? - yeah, we've adapted a bit. we needed more air conditioning in the summerand electric heating in the winter, but the woman who designed the home actually had alot of solar panels herself, and she ran off-grid a lot. and so the home is set up in a way to havea lot of low electricity needs. so we have led lighting, we just run phones,laptops, and we have just wifi router. we have a little refrigerator, a mini refrigeratornow. - perfect.

so, today what we're do is we're gonna installjust a couple of solar panels, a couple of small batteries, a charge controller, andinverter, just to take care of their basic needs. we've made this stand pretty basic to wherewe can adjust that angle through the year and actually collapse it all the way down. we have a couple of solar panels here, just12 volt 160 watt solar panels. these guys are gonna be able to produce powerany time the sun's directly on them. we choose crown batteries because of theirreliability and the fact that they're committed to environmental responsibility.

we're really happy to work with crown as abattery supplier. we got a pretty standard design: we're gonnago from the solar panel wires that are running over there, those solar panels are gonna comeinto a charge controller, through a series of breakers and then the battery bank is gonnafeed our inverter, which is actually gonna power our ac loads. in this situation, they're 6 volts each, sowe have to put an interconnect wire to create the 12 volts. make our final connections, tighten down,and keep it water tight. this whole unit will pick up and will actuallybe able to sit right inside the waterproof

container, and that'll all sit right overthe top of the batteries so everything's in a very compact design. many folks'll do this on their own, many folkswill have the help of their friends and family or community to install a system like this. you don't have to have a bunch of specialtools, or a bunch of special knowledge, we'll guide you with any questions you have whileyou're going through it. we started out with the frame and the solarpanels pretty early in the day, got the wires all pulled through the box, and batterieswired and everything now. guess it's only one thing left to do, andtry out the power!

- alright, let's see what we got. - woohoo! - alright! well, thank you all for joining us here atwholesale solar for another installation and helping some folks out getting some power. i hope you join us next time.

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