Banana Republic Credit Card Visa

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Banana Republic Credit Card Visa

Banana Republic Credit Card Visa, christmas when you read this article or anothertime of the year, i want you to understand why your support for this work is vital toyou, your family and your hopes for the future.\~i believe that your own voice is heard throughmy voice. but my voice can only be heard with your support!\~so why should you support meand my team and our work?\~-- i believe that

you see that your gift will support the clearestvoice on earth against the zio matrix of power; zio media, zio politics and zio banking. \~-- itis because i and my team dare to expose the zio tribalism that not only occupies palestinebut occupies washington, new york, london, paris, buenos aires, and every major capitolof the west and beyond.\~-- i and my team dare to point out that zionist crimes in themideast are only a part of the tribal, zio-extremist, global problem. it is not only palestine andthe mideast that they seek to control, but the whole world under their zio-globalisthegemony.\~-- because the zio fed, zio world bank, and the zio imf want to control thevalue of the currency in your own pocket no matter where you live on earth, and by doingso they tax you and steal trillions of dollars

from you by affecting the value of that currency.\~--becausethe ziomites control the political process of the united states, the eu and much of theworld and create a world of war and hate and blood that so harm your family and all ofhumanity. they harm millions of people in the insane wars such as iraq and afghanistanand the planned war in iran, and they harm the american people and others who fight inthese bloody zio-globalist wars. \~they harm the lives of hundreds of millions who sufferloss of jobs, homes and businesses because of the trillions borrowed and spent in thesezio-wars.\~--i need your help because i dare to tell the truth about the zio-control ofthe mass media and the conglomerates that drive the hate and insanity of these zio-wars,the media that protects and shields the zio

international banking institutions like goldmansachs.\~-- i and my team dare to expose the fact that under the glitz of hollywood whichshould be called ziowood, millions of lives are destroyed by its promotion of every kindof violence, degeneracy, human degradation and destruction. \~i quote zio columnist joelstein who in an article published in the \i los angeles times\i0 , december 19, 2008 showsthe facts of the almost total zio control of hollywood.\~\b "as a proud jew, i wantamerica to know about our accomplishment. yes, we control hollywood"... he goes on "idon't care if americans think we're running the news media, hollywood, wall street orthe government. i just care that we get to keep running them."\~\b0 i dare to point outthat the zio media that promotes drug and

alcohol abuse and addiction in thousands ofmovies, movies that basically destroys the lives of tens of millions, promotes sexualdegradation and defilement causing epidemics of disease and destruction of healthy familiesand abuse of women and defilement of the most beautiful of human values, the love betweenmen and women that form the basis of family and the entire structure of a healthy society.\~--i dare to point out the ziowood saturates us with blood and gore and violence and perversionsand every kind of sick excrement of human degeneracy. \~recently, at this christmastimeas i give this article to you, another mass shooting of little school children and teachershas occurred in america. six adults and 20 beautiful little girls and boys were murderedin connecticut. countless more families and

loved ones endured horror and anguish. \~thezio media blames guns in america for the shootings.\~ when i was a boy of the age of those deadchildren, there were plenty of guns in america, there was no gun control at all, but no massshootings in schools. \~what has changed? \~i tell you what's changed, the zio sickosof hollywood have unleashed their evil upon our nation and all the nations touched bythe zio global conglomerates of media. \~they have drenched our children and adults withtheir cult of violence and blood and gore. \~they even make mainstream movies today calledtorture porn, trying to excite people with horrific scenes of torture and human suffering.\~who is the mastermind of so-called torture porn. he is a self-described proud zionistby the name of eli roth who gets awards and

red carpet treatment from his fellow tribalistsand good reviews from mainstream zio pundits who promote him and his filth. \~with thesetoxins infecting the hearts and minds of the young people of america and the world, whyshould we wonder about the horror and inhumanity that bubbles up from this devil's cauldron.\~--i dare to expose that zio-media such as the latest film, zero dark thirty is a shamelesspromotion of the epitome of human depravity: torture.\~-- i show how the zio broadcastand print media is fueled by advertising from global food companies promoting foods andsnacks that make us fat, diabetic, and sick. \~it is also fueled by big pharma that makestrillions from treating the hundreds of millions of people made sick by the foods promotedby the zioglobalist media conglomerates. that's

a toll of human sickness and death even greaterthan their zio wars.\~why should you support me? \~because i dare to expose the fact thatthe zio supremacists have been the driving force behind the dispossession and destructionof the european people in european homelands. as well as their divide and conquer tacticsthey have used in lebanon, the mideast and elsewhere.\~their anti-european animus isdriven by their ancient hatreds that span the massacres of the ancient greeks as celebratedby hanukkah. the romans which they hate for their conquest 2,000 years ago. and they hateeuropeans in their two thousand years of struggle against the christian church in the mediterraneanworld and in europe. and you can read in their books and from their intellectuals their absolutehatred for the values of christianity as well

as hate for every religion of europe.\~ tocontrol the economic and military power of america and the west they had to dispossessthe european elite and replace it with their own. if you are a man or woman of the west,you know why you face this genocide, you are occupied by the zionists no less than palestineis occupied, and they pronounce in their media that you don't even exist as a people, justas they pronounce the palestinians don't exist.\~-- yes, you know that no one says it as honestlyand clearly as i dare to say it.\~others dance around the truth with talk about global elites,and insiders, they don't dare point out the painfully clear tribal supremacy behind itall. \~i tell the whole truth about the zio supremacist tribalism that threatens yournation, my nation and every nation on earth.

\~yes there are plenty of collaborators andtraitors who have sold out their own people. many who have sold their soul for 30 piecesof zio silver or for positions or fame or acceptance. \~but, make no mistake, the vastmajority of non-zio corporations and wealthy persons get no advantage from the insane,economic disastrous zio wars, or the massive thievery of the ziobanks like goldman sachsand the ziofed. they too suffer the destruction of even their own family members by the physicaland psychological sickness spawned by ziowood and the zio media conglomerates. \~so, whyshould you make a financial gift and support my work?\~i believe it is because you knowi speak up for you when you can't. \~because i endure the zio smears and hate and threatsfor you and for those whom you love. \~because

of the fact that i tell the whole truth likeno one else does, i am targeted and subject to endless efforts to silence me and eventake away my freedom and they even threaten my life and my own family. i have seen theinside of a lot of jails for simply speaking up for the truth and defending our freedomand independence.\~but, i cannot withstand this zio hate alone.\~because i have exposedthis sinister power, i am a target of the world's oldest hatred. because my work hasgrown and educated and motivated millions, their efforts against me have multiplied.\~here are four reasons why the zionists have targeted me.\~1) together, you and i and allthose who support my work, have accomplished so much in the last year that the jewish extremistshave targeted my work, seeking to drive me

off the internet. they attempted to ban myvideos, only our legal help and counsel saved us. \~2) as a person of european heritage,i understand that overthrowing the zio matrix of power is vital for my own people and foryour own no matter where you live around the world. \~overthrowing the zio power in media,banking and politics in america and the western nations is essential not only for my fellowamericans and other europeans across the western world, but for the palestinian people andevery other people on earth. it is vital for your heritage and freedom as well as mineno matter what heritage you might be.\~ in western nations i believe that a politicalbreakthrough in a single european populated nation can create a domino effect that canfuel the liberation of every western nation,

including the united states. my articles andvideos energize people everywhere. \~i have won three political elections and i coachmany leaders and political activists in the best political approach and organization,and i have helped patriots win election in many countries. \~because of my influence,jewish extremists have demanded my expulsion in a number of nations, and i have had tofight for my rights legally. even though i preach for peace and have always condemnedviolence, i have been jailed many times by the enemies of peace and freedom and independence.\~but i have let none of this deter me and my mission. i have three ongoing legal cases(which are costly) but they are needed to secure my free speech and your free speechand the continuation of my work worldwide.

\~hopefully, if you can help fund my defense,we can win those cases this year! but you must know how much attorneys and legal proceedingscost. to do a proper job, at least 30,000 dollars is still needed in the upcoming casesfor vitory! \~because that funding is completely up to you. please remember me and my workthis christmas!\~3) we have launched an incredible new website: one of the very best in the world.\~people all over the world rely on my site for the most uncensored news and commentaryon earth! the one website that zeroes in with eloquence and facts about the world's greatestproblem.\~4) as you know, the 82 videos i have made so far have reached millions ofviews on my own channel, and have an average rating of over 90 percent positive from viewers.if you go to youtube and simply type in my

name, "david duke" you will find over 8,000videos made independently by hundreds of people all over the world of my lectures, radio showsand speeches.\~the views of my own channel and the over 8,000 independent videos of mywork now mount to over 300 million views all over the planet, and these views grow everyday. and all my videos have been rated on average over 90 percent thumbs up!\~yet wedon't have the funds we need to take my work to the next level.\~we have no rich zionistbankers backing up my work, but thank god for that! \~so we must rely solely on you.because your unselfishness is our only hope.\~we have made great moves this year. because ofongoing zio censorship of my videos and message i have established our own video channel somy videos can't be censored any longer. it

has come at great cost and effort so our messagecannot be silenced! \~it takes a lot of bandwidth, time and money to administer these sites andto protect them from hacking and other zio attacks meant to silence us! you might bewatching this video in fact on my new video website.\~i have always believed that we mustdrive ahead for our vision, to fight for our dreams and then do whatever we must to raisethe funds needed to fund them. i believe if people like you see our wonderful work, theywill support it. our people are in a race against time. we must act now!\~i am surethat you have found my videos and articles and websites and worldwide lectures and effortsinformative, powerful, perhaps even inspiring and motivating. \~these accomplishments havecome from unimaginably small funding, fuelled

primarily by talent, hard work and courage.\~withsome real financial support from you for my team can be incredibly multiplied.\~with amillion dollars we can change the world. it will take far more than that of course tostem the tide of zioglobalism, but that amount would enable us to break through the barriers,and lead to a cascading multiplication of our work. \~the time is not far off when wecould fill the streets and tear down the zionist wall enslaving and dehumanizing all of humanityin the same way people filled the streets of berlin and tore down the communist wall.\~iknow that there are a few successful people watching this video who love my work and couldwrite a check for a million dollars and not hurt their lifestyle. \~you know who you or two who watch this could even give

a 100 million and still do all you they wantto do in life. \~with that kind of money, i know we could save our own european nations,and could save palestine and all the world from the evils of zionist globalism. if youare that person step forward and do something with your life other than simply amass wealthand creature comforts.\~i know that some of you are in the twilight of your life, andyou could make your whole life have earthshaking consequence by leaving a bequest to this work.because in your last will and testament you can leave a legacy for what you believe in,for what you know to be the truth. a legacy that can change the world. if you are sucha person, you know who you are. \~please know that i need you! your people need you. theworld needs you. make sure your beliefs and

values live long after you do!\~yet, all ofus know that these hopes of angels of support i mentioned are miracles upon which we cannotdepend.\~and over the years we have depended solely on people of modest means who havenot only complained about things but acted to make the world a better place.\~and i amproud of the fact that we have accomplished so much with many small donations as comparedto a few big ones. those who give a thousand, or five hundred or a hundred, or for thatmatter a few dollars or euros or pounds, enable me to fight on. \~your gifts enable me andmy work to withstand and prevail against the eternal hate of the enemy of my own europeanpeople and indeed of all mankind, for i know only if the zionists are deposed in the westcan my own people be free. and i know that

freedom of all of humanity depends on theliberation of the people of europe and america.\~so, because of all these things i now humbly askyou to do more than just nod your head in agreement with my videos or broadcasts orarticles. \~i ask you sincerely support me and my team need to carry this fight forwardto victory after a victory. this is the support i need right now to maintain this work andto fuel this work in the coming year.\~you can help with a gift any way you like. creditor debit card, check, cash, whatever way you choose. there are some other options as welland you can contact me through my secure email address i will be happy to respond to youand share those details with you.\~many people ask me how i can keep on going, how i cankeep going with some of most powerful forces

on earth determined to smear me, oppress me,suppress me, jail me, ridicule me. \~many ask my how i can cope with the daily possibilitythat one of these extremist zio crazies could do horrific harm to me or even my belovedfamily.\~i can withstand this only because my life is driven by love of my family andmy nation and my world.\~i know that we have no future unless we depose the zio globalistpower over us, over our politics, over these insane wars, over the media and over our financialstructure.\~ i am motivated by my own family and people and the sparks of beauty and geniusand courage and honor found in the exceptional people among my own heritage and others aroundthe world. and i am glad to count so many of those exceptional unselfish people amongmy supporters in this work. i believe in a

world of art and literature and beauty andfamily and celebration and appreciation of nature and life and the values taught by respectfor god as well as man.\~ i believe in the power of love and truth. that courage is notsomething given only to others, but something that god has put into each and every one ofus. ultimately, courage is simply about doing what is right. and courage is shown when doingwhat is right is not so easy, when it demands some sacrifice. \~despite all the hardships,the moments of suffering and sadness in this fight over the years, the bitter disappointmentsin both life and in people, i must tell you that my life is filled with enduring joy andfulfillment by doing what i know is right, doing what i am meant to do. \~i love thework i am doing and i wouldn't have it any

other way. when enough of us do what we knowis right we will win this struggle ahead of us. when you, yes you who read or hear mywords at this moment, when do what you know is right, the world will change in an instantand our dreams will come true.\~i need your help because you know that you and those likeyou will determine whether i succeed or fail, you will determine whether we succeed or fail!you will determine whether you and your family, your children and your progeny will be free,or whether they will lose their heritage and freedom.\~ with love and respect to you, thisis david duke wishing you a meaningful new year that brings us closer to our dreams anda great year in which every day we devote ourselves to the liberation of our people!\~\par\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f1\fs22\par


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